If you make a mistake, then the moment you realize this, you should be alerted. You must proclaim that you have committed a blunder. Tawbah or repentance means to undergo a shock and realize deeply that you have made a big mistake. This will begin the process of iman, or faith. First comes realization of the mistake, then acknowledgment or saying 'I was wrong'. Then a process of faith will begin.
A person has innumerable desires and temptations. This is why he is prone to making mistakes, just as Adam made a mistake. A person has strong temptations and also possesses total freedom. In this situation, it is natural that a person would make mistakes. According to a hadith, "Every person makes mistakes. The best person who makes mistakes is he who repents." (Sunan Ibn Majah 4251)
If you make a mistake, then the moment you realize this, you should be alerted. You must proclaim that you have committed a blunder. Tawbah or repentance means to undergo a shock and realize deeply that you have made a big mistake. This will begin the process of iman, or faith. First comes realization of the mistake, then acknowledgment or saying 'I was wrong'. Then a process of faith will begin. What is the meaning of faith? It is conviction, discovery and conscious realization of God. If you suffer a shock and repent, the process of faith will begin. Your thinking will develop. Your realization of God will increase. You will discover the realities of the Hereafter. Because your inner self has been awakened. You have undergone intellectual awakening. Then you will be able to perform good deeds (25:70). You will develop virtues and lead a God-oriented life. These three developments are part of a process. When a person goes through this process, the evil aspects of his personality are converted into positive aspects of his personality.